Welcome to Golden Tamarin Interactive

What’s New?

August 21, 2021 – Golden Tamarin announces its next app – Mazucan! Read about it here: Mazucan

Nov 30th 2020 – Golden Tamarin releases its first game Flattery – check it out for FREE on the Apple’s App Store. See? There really IS a good side to the year 2020!

11-2020: Golden-tamarin.com has launched! Our online presence will provide the community with updates and information about current and planned projects.

Latest Dev Blog

  • A Healthy NavMesh In Unity
    I was recently working on a project where I wanted to have a generated terrain decorated with trees on which a NavMesh would be generated so the AI-driven enemies would be able to find appropriate paths to the player targets. I got the NavMesh working, but the NavMeshAgents were getting stuck, having traffic jams, and… Read more: A Healthy NavMesh In Unity
  • My Own NavMeshAgent
    While working on Mazucan I recently had an experience that made me rethink a bit about how to use NavMesh’s in Unity. Lets start with a quick talk about RigidBody and NavMeshAgent in Unity. Unity’s NavMesh breaks down to three pieces: NavMesh – which is a baked “map” of where its AI agents can go… Read more: My Own NavMeshAgent
  • Navigating Hexagons without Math
    The first time I worked with hexagon tiles was in the 1970’s – I was a dungeon master for a D&D group and I ran out of “normal” graph paper and somehow wound up with hexagonal graph paper to draw out a dungeon with. It looked cool, but it was hard to draw out a… Read more: Navigating Hexagons without Math

About Us

We’re a small group trying to create accessible adventure that can be easily added to everyday life. There is more to adventure than “hack and slash” with a high body count – there is more to creating an immersive experience than requiring high-end equipment and twenty+ hours of gameplay… Fun doesn’t need to be a complicated, deep-time investment. Golden Tamarin is focused on producing thoughtful, interesting and enjoyable experiences playable by a diversity of age and cultural backgrounds.

Golden Tamarin Interactive is owned and operated by Aaron Anderson.

Contact Us

You can reach Golden Tamarin at support@golden-tamarin.com or by completing the form below: